fitness coach bodybuilding model black teal


Nez - Strength, Nutrition, and Productivity Coach

I help busy professionals so that they can achieve a major breakthrough with unstoppable confidence, self-awareness, and improve their relationship with foods they love for a healthier, fit, and happy lifestyle.

How did I get here? When I launched my first gym business right out of working full-time for other gym owners, I HAD to put 110% into building my business. The business was successful from the start but, boy, did I get the surprise of my life. I stopped training as much as I used to, then eventually not at all. I started eating junk food and stopped paying attention to my health. I was stressed, overwhelmed, and slept 3-4 hours a night. My “me” time didn’t exist anymore. It was lots of “I don’t have time,” “I have to do computer work,” and “I'm too exhausted to meal prep, so I’ll get another burrito.” I felt deeply frustrated about my body and couldn’t bring myself out of it. I was depressed, saying negative things in my head about myself. I hit a weight I had never seen on the scale before. I didn’t know how to escape this low point in MY life. I was even embarrassed to reach out to other trainer friends for help. I was unhealthy, insecure, and mad that I let myself get to this point.

I decided right then and there to commit to a new lifestyle. I stopped trying to redo the same nutrition plans I had when I competed in dance and bodybuilding. I was fed up with failing diet templates I found online. Nothing would work until I found my own path and created my own healthy habits for THIS current ME. I started re-reading and studying nutrition more than ever. I learned to eat the foods I loved and paid attention to when I ate and the portions I served myself. I dug deep, released inner blocks, began a positive mindset with daily affirmations, and made short-term goals. I began to work out again and enjoyed dedicating ‘me’ time. I ate without feeling guilty. I also found my power, confidence, self-esteem, and mental and emotional transformation. I felt more energetic and happier. My new way of eating, tied in with strength training and fitness, formed a new love and confidence for myself.

Now, I’m living a happy and confident life as an online fitness and nutrition coach, proud former 7-year business owner of a Powerlifting and Olympic Weightlifting training center, and a dog momma to the best gym dog ever, Quinn, @Quinn_bestgymdog.

aka “FitNez”

Education & Certs

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology, emphasis in Nutrition, Fitness, and Health - SDSU

  • Associate Degree in Physical Education and Liberal Arts

  • Certified PN Level 2 Master Nutrition Coach

  • Certified PN Level 1 Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Coach

  • Certified Fitness Specialist - SDCC

  • USA Powerlifting Club Coach, State Referee, and 10x Meet Director (USAPL)

  • United States Powerlifting Association Certified Coach (USPA)

  • Certified Weight Management Agent - DietMaster Pro

  • Certified TRX Suspension Trainer

  • Asana Together Certified Pro

  • First Aid, CPR, and AED Certified

  • Zumba, High Ropes Rock Climbing, Gravity … and more!

Companies I’ve worked with:

Here’s how we can work together

Strength Training



If you’ve given up on trying to eat better, avoiding the foods you love, or feel that it’s too stressful or outside your comfort zone to start a new routine - I’m here to help! We'll work together as a TEAM.

I’ve helped hundreds of clients from all over the world live a healthier, stronger, and happier lifestyle by listening and learning what they are ready, willing, and able to do.

I will be your go-to person for support and accountability. You can ask me anything you need. I work on both the inner and outer principles for success. I look at your overall wellness and daily habits from a deep-health perspective. You get a professional wise-sage-meets-badass authentic, confident, motivated and honest, nutrition and fitness coach. :)

Through my simple, step-by-step training, you’ll learn how to manage and improve your nutrition, workout schedule, sleep, stress, and mindset to become healthier, happier, and more confident for life!

red bikini fitness bodybuilder modeling coach

Getting You to Your Success

What People Are Saying

“Nez is absolutely amazing! She is very patient and understanding of the transitions of eating healthier and becoming more active. It's transparent that she's 100% behind her client's personal goals. If anyone is looking to put in the work with someone that doesn't compromise integrity, Nez should be your choice!”

— Nicole

“Before working with her, I was unhealthy, felt weak, and had no confidence. But in the first month together, I felt healthier and even saw changes in my clothes and in the mirror! We all have good motivating days and those terrible stressful long workdays, Nez will adjust your program so you can still be successful and see results at your pace. She’s by your side every step of the way. Two years later now, all I can say is I’m transformed! I’ve never been happier, healthier, and stronger in my entire life!”

— Cassandra

“I had no clue what to eat for my goals and never lifted more than the barbell for a deadlift. Now that I’m working with Nez, I feel confident knowing what to eat for my lifestyle and can deadlift 200lbs! My old max is now my warm-up weight, for real! I love my energy and see awesome results! 

— Sydney

Fun Fact #1

When I was 16, my dad built a big dance and fitness studio above our garage, with Bose speakers, huge mirrors, and everything! If I could guess how many dances I choreographed in that room, it’s gotta be around 300 or 400! For real! That room especially came in handy when I choreographed over 100 dances for world-renowned bands ad professional dancers. We even practiced our routines there that we performed in two Super Bowls, pre-game, and the half-time shows. I also trained clients that were on tv shows, news channels, law enforcement, or competed in bodybuilding. My dog, Macho (American Staffordshire), was my #1 fan in supporting all of my late night 2 am college years training sessions.

dance room choreography

Fun Fact #2

I trained Muay Thai (kickboxing), Jiu-jitsu, and Boxing on and off for over 6 years. Training under and alongside current World Champion Abu Dabi fighters, UFC Fighters, and world-renowned instructors was, not only humbling and exciting. It definitely taught me what hard work to reach a big dream looked like from behind the scenes.

fitness kickboxing muay thai kick

Fun Fact #3

I always tell myself, “I’m not a runner.” But when I get with my sister and she wants to go for a jog, oh geez… we run for hours together! Her job requires her to move around the US to live in other big cities so when I visit her, I get a random, “Hey, did you bring your running shoes? I entered us in a half marathon tomorrow!” Haha, no joke. Because of her, I’ve spontaneously completed 6 half marathons and 1 full marathon. Thanks, sis! Love you :)

marathon sisters san diego medals runners

The why behind it all

I believe in living a happy life with confidence, self-love, and a healthy mind and body.

My programs make this possible for you!