Future Clients

What are the benefits of working with you, Coach Nez?

Most of you know you need to improve your nutrition and exercise more, but you don’t know where to start, what to do, how much, and/or how often. It all depends on each individual’s particular needs and goals and, most importantly, what you are ready, willing, and able to do. I’ll assess your daily behavior and tailor a lifestyle plan WITH my clients, not for my clients, and be with them every step of the way.

Can I speak to you by phone to get more information before I join?

Absolutely! Click here to book a FREE Breakthrough Call to speak to me directly about my services. We’ll chat and discuss your needs and go over the program details. Keep in mind, if you do book this call and do not attend your scheduled time within 10 minutes of the start time, I will leave the call and continue with my workday.

How long does it take to get/understand my program after I join?

Because every single client is unique, it can take me a few days to prepare everything for you. I aim to have all new client programs built, loaded, and reviewed within 1-3 days from our Breakthrough Call and first payment. Please note that I will not provide coaching until the first payment is deposited.

Will my program include nutrition counseling?

Yes! I will provide nutritional education no matter your program goals.

Can I purchase additional coaching calls?

Yes! I do offer the option to purchase additional coaching calls if you feel these added sessions may improve your success toward your goals.

Is there a free trial period?

In my 20+ years of experience, clients looking for “free” or “trials” are not quite ready to make a lifestyle change and do not value me, my education, or my coaching experience. I value my time, as I’m sure you value yours. Plus, plenty of online Instagram and YouTube coaches give away all sorts of free “templates.” I like to focus on designing custom lifestyle programs with my clients, communicating the importance of daily habits, and teaching long-term behavior change, strong relationships, and results.

How long until I see results?

That depends on how quickly you can make those inner shifts. You are your own boss babe and in control! Some clients are ready to go and achieve their goals in a very short time frame, while others have a bit more work to do first. It also depends on your current state of health, how open your mind and heart are to new ideas, and your discipline and motivation in completing assignments. Some people have health challenges that require more attention and time, while others have fewer “areas of opportunities” to work on. It’s all about progress, not perfection. How consistent and committed you are will come into play in a huge way. It won’t happen overnight, and it’s not supposed to. This program sets you up to learn how to eat, stay fit, have a good relationship with food and your body, and be confident for a lifetime. The length of this course is ninety days, but depending on your results and personal growth, you might love it so much you’d want to continue this multiple times!

Current Clients

Can I tag you on Facebook and Instagram when I post my photos, videos, or stories?

Yes, please do! I’d love to see your posts and give you feedback and/or celebrate any wins with you! Feel free to tag me @coachnezsmith anytime and I’ll comment on your post. I don’t have any robots working for me so you know my comments are real. :)

Can I ask you questions about my program at any time?

Yes! The messaging in the app we set up for you is open 24/7 for questions, feedback, and concerns. I will respond as soon as I can. I usually respond within 48 hours.

Do you have a referral program? I have a friend that would love your program!

Yup! And thank you a million times for referring me! If you are a current member, use this link to sign up for my Referral Program.


I want to lose weight fast. Can you give me a plan to lose 20lb in 10 days?

Nope. Sorry. Please find another coach. I do not promote fast weight loss and never will. Beware of any diets (or coaches) that promise rapid weight loss and expect you to consume fewer than 1000 calories per day. You may lose a few pounds in the beginning, but chances are you'll be unable to stick to it long term and unexpected health issues may arise from such a caloric deficit.

What’s the best way to learn HOW to eat right and improve my health?

When it comes to health and weight loss, slow, steady, and sustainable S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) daily habits are key. And a coach that can guide you through this process is a huge bonus!


Strength Training? Why can't I just do cardio?

While cardiovascular training is great for building strong hearts and lungs, it doesn't provide the stimulus your body needs to build bigger, stronger muscles and bones. The benefits of adding strength training to your program allow you to:

  1. Improved fat loss - When lifting weights, you build lean muscle. The more muscle you have, the quicker your metabolism will work.

  2. Enhance your mood and reduce stress - Exercise releases endorphins that improve your mood, prevent pain, and fight depression. Women who strength train feel more confident and capable as a result of their cardio training.  

  3. Gain strength without bulking - Unlike men, women typically don’t gain size from strength training. This is due to levels of testosterone women have compared to men. Because of this, women will develop muscle tone and definition without the size.

  4. Reduce your risk of injury, back pain, and arthritis - Weight training not only strengthens muscles but also increases bone density. It can also help with correcting bad posture, and building a strong back and core will also help prevent any lower back pain.

  5. Improve your athletic performance - Having a stronger body can also help with other sports by improving power, speed, agility, and endurance.

  6. Reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes - Weight training can help to improve cardiovascular health by lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol, and in turn, this will help to lower blood pressure.

How frequently should I train?

The ideal frequency of personal training sessions varies from person to person. But if you’re just starting out, shooting for training two times a week is enough to learn a few complete full-body exercises properly and have time to recover from soreness. After a few weeks, bump it up to three times then if it allows, four times is great. But again, it all depends on your goals, schedule, family situation, workload, and stress levels.

How quickly will I see the results of my training?

Great question. Expect to ‘feel’ the results of your training sooner than you ‘see’ them. People who start a new exercise program and are consistent typically report improvements in sleep, mood, and energy levels within two to three weeks. Body composition changes often take longer to notice. The more consistent you are with your workouts and the closer you adhere to your nutrition plan, the sooner the results will become noticeable to you and your friends too!

What are the best exercises for getting rid of my arm jiggle, love handles, and thigh fat?

Excess fat doesn't typically occur in isolation. If you've got it in one place, chances are you've got it in more places. There’s no one exercise that will reduce fat cells in just one part of the body. You need to reduce them all via exercise and proper nutrition. If you really want to see muscle definition once the layer of subcutaneous fat is burned off, make sure you're following a customized strength training program.

What if I don’t have or want a gym membership?

No problem! While gym memberships are very helpful by way of providing a variety of equipment options, it is not necessary to have to see results. Each program I do is based on what you have available. I build your workout programs with the equipment you have available to you. Resistance bands, stability balls, and other lightweight equipment can be purchased here for a low cost and can accelerate reaching your potential but not mandatory.

Have a question that’s not listed above?

Contact me and I’ll answer it for ya!